Hope in San Diego

Hope Leadership Academy was founded by former collegiate basketball player, Willie Briscoe. Upon the end of his career, he began the pursuit of opening his own gym— where he was urged instead to pause and ask God what his next move should be: to ask him if he was truly using all of his gifts in their best capacity?

Hope Leadership Academy, Winter Retreat

Hope Leadership Academy, Winter Retreat

So before moving forward, he sought God- through prayer and trips of service where he could feel his presence. And upon returning home, HLA was born: a leadership academy for youth in underserved communities.

Today, along with Willie, there are 3 leaders of this organization: Kyle, Anna, & Alex- and they all have one thing in common... they care deeply for the kids they serve.️ So much so that they’ve dedicated their work & lives to rallying resources & volunteers, and planning experiences & trips— all so that the kids they work with, in the neighborhoods they target, will have opportunities for physical, relational, and spiritual health. They invest their time developing future leaders into kids that may not get the opportunity to be developed, get into nature and see the world, or witness positive role models any other way. It is literally their job to physically show up.

At the end of the day, the mission- not just of this organization, but in the heart of it’s people-  is in it’s name: Hope. Making sure that anyone who comes in contact with them knows that no matter their circumstance, no matter their pain, that no matter what— they can find hope in a Love that will always exceed it all… and provide them with a way out & through.

Their work is powerful. Their hearts are pure. Their hands are dirty. And their love is felt.
They are needed. 
And they show up.

Thank you for what you do in the city of San Diego, Hope Leadership Academy. I truly, wholeheartedly, adore you. 

Find more photos here.


The Soul-Saving Art of Making Adjustments


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