Your Leadership is a Style

Kelly Saco, Reporter for MLB with the Miami Marlins

Your leadership is a STYLE.⁣⁣
There are no rules when it comes to leadership. To how you choose to be a leader. (Can we for a second assume that “leading" means that we all have noble motives and it’s for the best cause? We talkin’ about leaders who want to make a positive difference here!) ⁣⁣
It’s a style. It’s made up of who you are, what and who you stand, play, & speak for. There is quite literally no one who will lead like you do. And you will never lead like the person next to you.⁣⁣
-Your strengths are different.⁣⁣
-Your passion is different.⁣⁣
-Your story is different. ⁣⁣
-Your “why” is different.⁣⁣
-God speaks to you different.⁣⁣
So yes, your leadership is a style. Down to the way you speak, the way you build relationships, hold yourself accountable, and what & HOW you create in the world.⁣⁣
Can we always make adjustments to be more effective? Absolutely. Athletes know the game is always about making adjustments. It’s about reps— and even more so, quality ones. So that will always be true… but that never means that you have to be like someone else. Or that they need to be like you. Teams are made up of puzzle pieces that come together to create a whole. Everyone benefits when you show up in just the way you were cut out for.
Just a little reminder to please show up in your way. Please show up…
You’re made to!


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