Dear Grower,

Fresno State Women’s Soccer

Fresno State Women’s Soccer

God has called me into seasons of  s p a c e  many many times. He’s asked me to let go of places, people, relationships, jobs, ideologies, etc— sometimes all at once.

It’s really easy to resist these seasons (I absolutely have), but I run straight toward the  s p a c e  now because I know now that he only calls for something he has a response to. 

Because he’d never ask me to clear out if he didn’t have something up his sleeve that’s better.

Making room for him is a REAL thing. And it requires letting go. Of the pace, of the schedule, of the person, of the idea, of the thought, of the outcome, of control. And I wanted to talk about this with you in case this was for you right now.

Don’t worry about holding on so tight to things God wants to replace with *better*.
Better for you & more true for you.

Trust the clearing.

Let the space, in.

He only wants to re-fill it.

You gotta believe that he will…
He’s really good like that. 

Dear grower,
Don’t be afraid of the s p a c e.
The place between the before and what’s to come.
God changes things in the space.
He rebuilds in the space.
There is no need to control it.
There is no need to fear it.

A loss of your world means there’s more room for him & his.
And he works in wild & magic ways.
So give him room.
Give him all the room.
To play. To move. To build.

Grower, there is no reason to fear the space.
The clearing.
The place between the before and what you’re meant for.
Every request from him to ‘let go’
is simply his invitation forward.

Let the space, in.
Let faith grow.


Follow The Leader

